

Contract drafting/assessment/amendment

There is often a lack of clarity in commercial contracts – either through miscommunication or misunderstanding, or simply through misalignment of the intentions and interests of the parties to a contract. A contract exists to establish and govern the rights; duties and obligations of the parties when entering into a contractual relationship with one another. Stone Falcon offers a third party service that provides an unbiased; objective assessment of a commercial contract. We will also draft and/or amend contractual terms and construction on behalf of clients should they so wish.

Contractual and commercial negotiation (proxy services)

In order to present the most streamlined package of services available, Stone Falcon will in addition to its ‘standard’ contractual services, also undertake to negotiate as a proxy on behalf of clients in contractual and commercial negotiations. As a specialist in this area, we will also support and undertake coaching for those corporate personnel who wish to physically conduct the actual negotiation, but would like the benefit of some further ‘back room’ support.